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Stop it! 3 Things we should stop doing in 2019.

Here we go, again! 2019 is less than 24 hours away and I am pumped!

Every year the whole world starts making a long list of things that they will start with the new year, but what about those things we need to stop?

Here are 3 things we should all stop doing in 2019:

1. Stop asking people to do things we never do.

We wonder why our kids won't listen and our influence is missing? We keep asking things of others that we'd never ask of ourselves. They are watching. All of 'em. Our words and our works have to match more than they miss for peeps to really take a listen. What good advice do you keep giving others? Take it in 2019.

2. Stop thinking like THAT.

We all have a way of thinking that's faulty. We all have high horses and hints of low self-esteem. Our out-of-order thoughts WILL limit the possibilities in our lives. What thought is holding you back? What thought keeps your world so small? Trash it in 2019.

3. Stop hiding.

We all have hiding places. We hide behind our bank accounts, our titles, our seasons of life, and our very visible masks. What's up with that? I don't know about you but I've wasted a lot of time trying to cover up my sin, my sickness, my sadness, and everything in between. Jesus came so we could come out of hiding and have a free, full life, eternal life. What would had happen if you came out of hiding? Try it in 2019.

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