Perfectly Single.
I am very happily married. But the person that I love more than my husband never was. The very Person by through all things were made, never made it down the aisle with a bride by His side.
This my friends intrigues me.
God sent His Son in bodily form, human in every way, to live on the earth for over thirty years and he never got married. He was (and still is) perfect and while he walked this earth he was single.
I could type about this all day long. But instead I'll give you three things that I think single people (especially Christ followers) need to know.
#1 - It’s okay to be single. I know that being single feels like you’re living in the middle of an infinity war, but marriage doesn’t always have to be the end game. If you believe in Jesus you are whole. He’s in you and you’re in Him. The Trinity is a part of your everyday, living, breathing, walking around existence. God can do more through your life than you could ever imagine. Especially when you’re single.
#2 - A strong circle will do more for you than a Tinder account. Jesus had a crew. A squad. A team. They weren’t perfect, but they were His. They ate together, laughed together, cried together. Served together. Growing relationships with the same sex and yes, the opposite sex that are mission focused, grounded in honesty, and sacrificial will do you so much more good than - blind dates, hook ups, meet ups, and sleep overs with people that you KNOW aren’t a part of God’s plan for your life.
#3 - Jesus can feel you. When you’re struggling, frustrated, and about ready to throw in the towel. Remember, Jesus “understands our weaknesses, for he faced all of the same testings we do, yet he did not sin.” (Heb 4:15) That’s some really good news. Jesus gets that you’re lonely. He understands that you feel weak and tempted around “her” or “him.” And He’s the only one that can see you through your temptation to the otherside. Keep your eyes on Him.